In all honesty, I stated goal setting 13 years ago! Granted, my goals were more along the lines of "get through another day" type of goals...but I was personally in some really difficult times (ie divorce, homelessness, financial upheaval) and found a need for the grounding effect of having basic goals for every day.
So I am going to share with you 3 REAL ways goals can help change YOUR life...because I've been through it and have found it to be true from personal experience
So without further delay, here are the 3 REAL ways goals can help change your life (and at the very least, make each day a little bit easier):
#1 - Goals help give you something to focus on while giving you a sense of control in your life Instead of focusing on your problems in a time when you may feel you have no control whatsoever).
#2 - You feel more productive because you are taking action (which is something you CAN control) and are feeling the results of those actions. Like when I created my 30 Day Reset Course...it was really because I needed to "Reset" my self and my own life at the time.
"You are Never too Old to Set Another Goal or Dream a New Dream" - C.S. Lewis
#3 - Goals Build Confidence...now this is a HUGE one! When a person lacks control in their lives they lack confidence in themselves and their abilities. Setting goals build self confidence back up and lays the foundation for greater things to come.
After all, if I never felt a personal need for something to help guide me along my way, I never would have created my 30 Day Reset Course, or went on to become a certified personal trianer, certified nutrition coach, or one of 18 women in the world who is a Certified Grant Cardone Licensee!
I lay the bare honest truth at your feet...setting goals is a magical process of self discovery.