This is an unprecedented time in history. As modern Americans, we have wholly been unprepared for the onslaught of lost jobs, lost stability, spiritual conflict, sudden loss of lives, illness of loved ones, and an inability to communicate on the level with which we are accustomed. We are all inside looking cautiously outward on a daily basis attempting to find some shred of normalcy to cling to. Even those forced to witness the toll of the pandemic have been left to assemble some shred of normalcy together. It has not been easy for anyone.
It is often during the darkest of times that the human spirit begins to brighten as people all over the world unite to move towards common goals.
During this unprecedented time we have been given an opportunity to examine ourselves, our knowledge base, and ability to progress ourselves as individuals. As we begin an introspective journey we also begin to acknowledge what facets (the Diamond Theory will be further discussed in our booklet!) we are experiencing a lower level of confidence and abundance in. It could be in personal relationships, financial, professional relationships, spiritual balance, or even technical knowledge in your field of expertise. This is when an individual will begin to see their life as a whole and how all the different facets enhance or have been detracting from the whole. When individuals are able to pinpoint the facet where shortcomings are present they can begin the process of isolating what is required to create a new way of living…a new normal.
Above all...Stay Well & Stay Safe!